Our Steps Our Future

tree of rememberence


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Personal Youth Development Programme, funded by IFI- “Our Steps Our Future” participants are 16-25 year olds.Critria to enrol on program participant were not in education, training or employment, who are vulnerable to polarisation and come from complex backgrounds including those who:- 

  • Are vulnerable to paramilitary recruitment; 
  • Been in, or close to, the criminal justice system; 
  • Left education with no or low qualifications or who left the education system early;   
  • Have been involved or are currently involved in substance abuse; 
  • Are affected by homelessness; 
  • Come from a difficult family background or community with a negative view of their future; 
  • Suffered from poor mental health issues; 
  • Mistrust of statutory institutions. 

The young people on the programme have reported that participating in Hurts personal youth development program “Our Steps Our Future” is having a profound and lasting impact on them, empowering them to navigate the challenges of adolescence, build essential life skills, and lay the foundation for a successful and fulfilling future. With receiving accredited good relations inhouse training helps to foster cultural awareness and promotes inclusivity and appreciate diversity. 


During the project that began April 2023 and ending December 2024 

Cathereen Wells, Our Steps, Our Future Project officer delivers accredited qualifications on mental health, Good relations, personal development and good relations training. 

Cathereen also prepares the young people for their driver theory test and costs are covered by IFI as part of the project for the driver theory test exam and driving lessons for the participants on the programme 

Young people have the opportunity to receive inhouse counselling and complementary therapies  

Young people receive training in employability and some young participants have taken the first step to become more employable and volunteer in HURTs charity shop the Quirky Corner.   

The project has a diverse group of young people and we are currently working with CRJI to learn about restorative practice.  

Recently the young people have completed a few community engagement projects- Christmas Tree Festival in St Columbs Cathedral 

Currently working with facilitator Bayan in St Columbs Park House on a community Fairy Village Project to be launched in the near future to the public.  “Our Steps Our Future” participants have been working effortlessly building and making fairy related products to be showcased permanently at the entrance of St Columbs Park House-  

Our Level 4 participants have dedicated their time on a social enterprise project and supported the Dry N out campaign,  We are currently developing a Youth Forum and the young people will take lead in this project.  The young people are passionate and have contributed questions, and received attendees at a recent dialogue day cultivating the hope of a Youth Quarters, one stop shop within the city.  Organisations will be contacted over the next few weeks for the opportunity to partake in the youth forum.   

Currently we are working with Peter and Ciaran from our Board who have been very kind offering their time to upskill young people in finance and leadership skills.