Jump For Jack Fundraiser…



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Can we sincerely thank Sabrina and Tony Edgar along with both their families for inviting us along to the second year of
.. 💙Jump For Jack’ 💙
An amazing turnout and supported by Jack’s family, friends, his club Strike Martial Arts Academy and Derry in general.
It’s most definitely days and, events like Jump for Jack – that show the strength in Community. Everyone coming together to remember Jack and others we’ve lost right across the city.
There were soo many prizes donated from businesses across the town for the raffles. Well done everyone!
And just finally, Please anyone, no matter age, issue or worry- just reach out , there will always be someone to talk and support you.
Jack’s family are creating a legacy in his name and supporting so many people in our City to be able to access services.
Thank you to Tony, Sabrina and family.
