“Dry N’Out” Campaign

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On Wednesday 30th November we launched the “Dry N’Out” campaign, this is all about encouraging people to go out, enjoy themselves without the pressure to drink. As an addiction charity it was a risky decision to take, but we understand the importance of inclusive socialising , and we saw the benefits of it.
This campaign is targeted at everyone from people in recovery to sober curious to those people who are tee total – to whomever may want to go out and not drink.
I’d like to thank the Bentley Group for taking the risk on this, and not just supporting this campaign but actually being our partners in this. This partnership has already begun to flourish with the Bentley rolling out a mocktail menu in the near future; they also kindly started the partnership with a donation of £1000 to get the campaign started and hosted the launch. All money raised within the year will go into creating a legacy project around awareness and inclusive socialising.
We have also got to mention the amazing support we have received from Pure Derry, they have been amazing working away on designs and there is a video…. so keep your eyes peeled.
I’d also like to thank the Mayor for coming along and supporting the event, along with Gary Middleton MLA and the Sober coach Joanne Nash.
Well as campaigns go this is pretty special to me as someone in recovery, this campaign has made me feel not just welcome but catered for and included. I look forward to the bright and exciting

Johnny Hegarty (Chairperson) 🌈