The project is aimed at young people aged 16 to 25 who are struggling with addiction or mental health issues. This innovative project is focused on moving forward towards greater wellbeing and positive change with an individualised flexible approach – the young people are in charge of their Destination and we’ll equip them with the tools to make sure they reach their full potential.
This is a welcomed addition to our services and a much needed programme to support our young people of the Derry and Strabane District Council area who are struggling.
Get connected! Engage in our free group work programme for up to one year.
Age: 25+
What’s included?Counselling
Recovery Support/Training
Group Work
Activities and Excursions
Get connected! Engage in our free group work programme for up to one year.
Age: 25+
What’s included?Counselling
Recovery Support/Training
Group Work
Activities and Excursions